Thursday, August 18, 2011

Her Very First Tea Party

 My little girl received her very first tea set on her birthday.

And the other day we had her very first tea party. 

She presided over the tea, cream, and sugar as hostess supreme.

Her brothers were happy to be her first guests.

And tried to remember their manners..."May I please have some tea?"

 "May I please have some tea?"

 "May I please have some cream?"

"Some sugar?"

"May I please have some more tea???"

"More cream........please?"

Hostessing was very busy work indeed.

But she never got overwhelmed or told those silly, demanding boys to take a hike.

It was all quite lovely, and I just delighted in this little girl fun we all get to enjoy.

Sweet little, durable tea set found here.

{Linking to Life Made Lovely}


  1. so cute wait til she gets a little older it is a great bribing bribe with a "soda" tea party if this,this and this gets done :)

  2. That is precious :-) My lil one got a tea set for her 1st bday and it is one of her fav toys. Such cute pictures!

  3. What a delightful tea party! I so enjoyed reading this post!
