Friday, January 6, 2012

New Cheer for the Kitchen - And a Giveaway

{Welcome, friendly readers from Southern Hospitality!}

 Today I want to tell you about a couple new items that are making my kitchen feel very special indeed.

 Sister and I each picked out a set from the lovely variety available at Anthropologie with  unsuppressed glee, and my mum sweetly presented them to us for Christmas. 

For $5 a piece they add so much refreshing fun and color after years of my white Martha Stewart bowls for Kmart.
And I must say soup, cereal...any food for that matter tastes especially good in these little latte bowls.  Most of all I love using them for breakfast for a cheerful start to the day.

Second is this Anthro tea towel...which I gifted to myself. ; ) Having it out does wonders for my enthusiasm to keep a fresh, clean kitchen all. year. long.  Really it almost does. 

I love Ric-rac.

And see how helpfully it doubles as a calender!

So I was thinking you might like a 2012 tea towel/calender with Ric-rac, too?  {promise I'll send you a new towel, not my used wrinkly one} Perhaps some my favorite soap would pair with it nicely?  Time for a little Giveaway. : )

Leave a little comment to be entered.  I'll announce the happy winner next Friday. 

Happy Weekend to you, friend!



  1. So happy to find your beautiful blog! Visiting from Southern Hospitality... I am your newest follower, but I bet I won't be the newest for long! Lovely, lovely blog!

  2. Those bowls are too cute and very clever hand towels I might add:)

  3. Found your blog today through another contact. Just love reading through it. The mustard colored bowls would look nicely in my kitchen!
    Love the hand towel with the date on it. With one of those I could take calendar off the side of the frig...

  4. Love the bowls and love your blog. What a sweet welcome. I found you at Rhoda's place! I'm in love with your turquoise table! I just painted my kitchen table black and white. I have white cabinets and a black countertop with some red accents. I'm in a quandry about how to add turquoise (my new fav color) to the mix. Thinking about painting a corner cabinet turquoise and putting the kitchen corner but afraid it might be too busy. Your thoughts?

    You might not be able to answer because I'm sure you will be flooded with comments today! Congrats on being chose on Southern Hospitality feature Friday!


  5. when I saw your first picture, I thought I was looking at a small set of bowls that I had bought at Marshalls! :-) They are very similar. How fun! (what colors did Sister choose?) I love your idea of starting out your day with them - they are very cheery indeed. And of course you've just got to love Anthropologie! Miss you, friend!

  6. i love your blog and this towel. I actually looked for it after your post right before Christmas, but they were out.

    So glad you are giving one away!

  7. love the cheery bowls, Cailan! such beautiful colors... Anthropolgie does have the sweetest things.
    Hope your Friday is a delightful one!

  8. love love love those cute bowls (and they match your blog color scheme very well!). happy friday!

  9. those bowls are on my wishlist:)
    hooray for cheery starts to a day!
    love the sweet towel. LOVE! thanks for the fun chance, cailan!

  10. Love! Visiting from Southern Hospitality and I think I'm hooked.

  11. Love your attainable style. Inspires me to be better:)

  12. Just discovered your blog and love it! Love that kitchen towel too. Thanks for the oppty. Kathy

  13. Amazing feature at Southern Hospitality! Too bad you have to leave that beautiful house ... but I'm confident you'll create an even more beautiful home in Iowa!

  14. Just found your blog today as the link from Southern Hospitality! Best wishes for your upcoming move to Iowa. You will have a new palate to decorate and make your own...
    BTW love the towel!

  15. Glad I found you! Please enter me in your giveaway!


  16. beautiful . . . inspirational
    Thanks! dorene(at)pine(dot)net

  17. I'm so happy to have found you! Yours really is a lovely home. Thanks for sharing such a sweet tea towel!

  18. I have some of those bowls from Anthropologie too and I love them and use them every day. I just found your lovely blog today and am a new follower. I would be great if you could visit me and follow if you like. I would love to have you as a new friend. Your giveaway is very nice and I would love a chance. I hope you have a happy and blessed day.


  19. The tea towel is so sweet! Thanks for the compliments on the baby crocheted blanket! I actually finished it last summer. It's probably my most favorite item that I have for Claire (my third little girl born in September). I'm thrilled you were on my blog! Sorry, it hasn't been updated in forever! With three kids and homeschooling, it's close to impossible to keep it up. I really wish I could. Your blog is beautiful! I love the new banner. I've been wanting to tell you that I am going to paint our kitchen table the same color that you painted yours. I already got the paint chip to make sure it looks good. I think it will be fun, though it probably won't look as good as yours. :) So glad you like the "Steady Days" book! I need to read some more of it myself. Here is a link to the pictures of the finished blanket if you would like to see it. :)

  20. wow your blog is pretty and simple and really fun to look at. Found you from the other blog site, and appreciate her for sharing you with us.

  21. Love the towel and hand soap, thanks for a chance to win! Really neat giveaway!

  22. Such a nice thing to do, thank you for me. Di@cottage-wishes

  23. That towel is adorable! And that's my favorite kind of soap too!!!

  24. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Your new bowls are super cute!

  25. Just found your blog through Southern Hospitality. Those bowls couldn't be more precious. I'll definitely be following along.


  26. Hi! I found you through Rhoda at Southern Hospitality and am thrilled I did! Your blog is absolutely charming. A new one added to my favorites -- yippee!

  27. I LOVE the anthro latte bowls! My husband gave me some for Christmas last year. They are the perfect size for morning cereal. :-)

  28. Wow I think I need those anthro bowls now! They are super cute! Love the hand towel and I just discovered that soap the other day and bought some for my mom for her Christmas stocking. The grapefruit smells amazing!

    @ The Gotta Have It Girl

  29. Hi! I am new to your blog and enjoyed looking around and subscribing, Those anthro bowls are so cute and love the fresh fun colors!

  30. Hello,
    I love your new bowls and the towel. What a sweet give-away! I never win anything, but thought I'd give it a chance. Maybe 2012 will be my lucky year? I'm enjoying visiting your blog. Happy New Year to you,

  31. Love the colors of your bowls! Every time I walk in Anthro I want a dishtowel but the prices for a towel just kill me! Happy New Year!

  32. i have those same bowls and you are right...everything tastes better in them. especially ice cream!! love the giveaway too!!

  33. I would love to enter your giveaway. I'm coming over from Rhoda's Southern Hospitality. My email is

  34. I love purchasing kitchen towels...just a little pick me up! The bowls are a wonderful color!

  35. Found you on Southern Hospitality and enjoy your blog!

  36. So glad Southern Hospitality sent me your way!
    Lovely Blog.

  37. Such lovely things. Thank you for the giveaway.

    carol_busse at yahoo dot com

  38. Happy to find your blog through Southern Hospitality. You have a lovely home. Thanks for your giveaway.

  39. Found you through Rhoda's blog SH. Your blog is well named - your home is lovely.
    I look forward to reading about your upcoming move and your new home.

  40. Hi, I found your blog via Southern Hospitality. Your home is lovely and I love the wine rack in the kitchen! I going to try to find something similar.

  41. Lovely blog, looking forward to seeing much more.


  42. Those bowls are fantastic! I can imagine they make early mornings a very cheerful affair. Lovely, as usual!


  43. Such a darling dishtowel...I'm always a sucker for those! I've been lovin' on your blog for a while now and was so delighted to see it featured on Southern Hospitality!

  44. I love this tea towel. My mom always bought a new tea towel every year with the calendar on it. I haven't seen one of these in a long time.

  45. I would LOVE one of those towels! I just found your blog, and I'm already inspired. thanks!

  46. Hi Cailan! Just entered for fun and because I really miss anthropologie over here. Don't feel like you need to ship all the way to England, K?

    And I have serious sippy-cup envy for those bowls.

  47. Hi, that last was me, Betsy. For some reason my wordpress ID was not being verified! One more try--sorry to be such a dufus!

  48. very vintage and lovely...a perfect addition for my kitchen if I am chosen. :-)

  49. Lovely colors! Everyday lovely indeed!

  50. Love this towel! Thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year!!

  51. That is so pretty! It would be perfect in my kitchen :)

  52. Love your blog! I almost cried when I read your "passing through" posting. I can totally relate because I live 1,600 miles from my sister. So, enjoy your days living so close and then enjoy the visits and long Skype conversations! Thanks for the inspiration! And, I hope I win the towel!!

  53. J'adore Anthropologie! They just get it, don't they? Love the blog! Super awesomeness, times 10!

  54. Just found your blog and it looks so inviting. Loving the bowls from Anthro...

  55. Elise from San FranciscoJanuary 7, 2012 at 7:56 AM

    Love the bowls - like rays of sunshine. Thanks for your wonderful blog and lovely give-away!

  56. Thanks for the give-away!
    Love your blog - great inspiration. And so happy to see you featured at SH - I first found your blog from Rhoda's blog. It was a really great "round-up" of your CO house, before you leave. Best of luck to you and your family!

    ~Laurie from CO

  57. What a beautiful blog-thanks for sharing!
    Suzanne in FL

  58. Love the towel and soap!
    gina from familyof6

  59. What a lovely little giveaway! And Happy New Year to you, too!


  60. Just took a home tour via "Southern Hospitality"... Gorgeous!!!! I love your way of decorating with vintage... The plates hung above the kitchen cabinets are beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing .... I am a follower now too!!!! :) Terri

  61. The tea towel is adorable! As soon as I saw it I loved the date on it. It made me think of how this year is going to be a great one! My husband and I just moved from Seattle to Florida into our very first home over Christmas! The day we got the keys we arrived and he had had it wrapped with a big red sweet. I am so excited to finally, for the first time in my life, paint, put holes in walls (and not get charged) haha, and decorate the way I've always dreamt of. Thanks for all the inspiration. It's always a treat to see your email pop up announcing a new post. =)
    ~Loree Rowland

  62. I love the colors in the bowls!

  63. I found you on Rhoda's blog and would love to win! I love your home!

  64. Hi,
    I found your sweet blog through Rhoda's blog, Southern Hospitality. I look forward to reading yours all the way back, and then forward with you in 2012. Happy and Blessed New Year.

  65. Count me in! Just clicked over from Southern Hospitality. I LOVE your mantel and the arrangement above.

  66. I found you from Rhoda's blog,,,NICE home

  67. I just discovered you at Rhoda's! What a pretty home and I am soooo impressed--you decorated the CLOSET!! Wow. I would love to win :)

  68. so pretty~ thanks for the chance!!

  69. I absolutely adore your blog. I've been checking it everyday now for awhile. My favourite post is most definitely about the yellow framed bed. So beautiful! Thanks for this giveaway. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Gill Rollins

  70. Love your blog. Keep it up. I am a follower now.

    Check out mines

  71. Hi!! Love your blog and your home! Stopped by via Rhoda's blog. Please enter me in your awesome giveaway. Happy 2012!

  72. What a beautiful, fresh start to the New Year! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Karen H.

  73. Found your blog after reading Southern Hospitality. Love your decorating ideas and your photos are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win the tea towel and soap!

  74. What a gorgeous giveaway...enter me!

  75. I read your blog regularly! Love the inspiration. The bowls would look great in my kitchen :)

  76. I am new to this blog and love, love, love it! Please enter me in the give away. I'll be back for sure. xo

  77. What beautiful gifts!
    Betty @ Country Charm

  78. The bowls are absolutely lovely... and who doesn't love a contest? :)

  79. Just found your blog through Southern Hospitality. Love your blog and your new bowls!

  80. Hi, happy new year! I love your anthro goodness and how lovely the blowls and towel look in your kitchen.

  81. So cute! I'd love to have those to use in my kitchen, too!

  82. This blog is fantastic... glad to find you!

  83. Thank you for a chance to enter a give-away! I love your photography and the fact that you share your talent and knowledge with us. I've found through the years that anything - whether it's food or a front door or just every day things - look better and taste better if they are presented in the right way. It's all about the appearance and being pleasing to the eye. Thank you for sharing! Karen in Fort Worth,Tx.

  84. Sorry, I've never posted to a blog before! The "anonymous" Karen in Fort Worth above is from Thanks!

  85. I would love to win. I get your blog emailed to me and it is just darling!

  86. Love the give-away in my Kitchen :)

  87. Im lucky I did because now Ive received a whole new view of this

  88. Many thanks for sharing this one. A must read article!

  89. Nice info, I love the way you express words with emotions.

  90. Brief but very accurate info… Thank you

  91. Such an amazing and helpful post this is.
