Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just Passing Through

I never expected to feel so settled so early in life.  My family moved over a dozen time during my childhood, so I was somewhat used to transition and change.  But about three years ago we moved back to Colorado, into our present home – a bi-level home built in the 70s.  Not quite the charming old cottage of my dreams, but with a wonderful floor plan that works so well for our family, and a nicer kitchen than I thought I’d ever have in this lifetime.  This home’s real asset, however, is its location – two houses around the corner from my sister, brother-in-law, two nieces and two nephews.  I'm around the corner often three times a day.  It's pretty wonderful.

When we were young, my sister and I would take walks in old neighborhoods and pick out quaint little “starter homes” - and some grander versions too - where we would one day live right next to each other...after we found a charming pair of brothers to marry, of course.
What do you do when it's time to move on, but you rather feel as if you’ve already reached the promise land?

For the past three years, here in this Colorado home, my husband has been working to finish his doctorate.  He’s also been working as an oil/gas well pumper and has been teaching adjunct classes at the local university.   Since he is about to graduate {so proud of him!}, this fall was the time to start applying for jobs.   The job market for English grads is extremely though he sent out dozens of applications, we both knew it was very unlikely that any of them would come to anything.  He applied just for experience and hoped at most to get a little positive interest here and there.  In my heart of hearts I thought and hoped we would just wait it out here in CO for a local job.
Any interest wouldn't likely manifest until January, but the last week of November he got an email from a Christian college, followed by a phone call, followed by a phone interview.  And before I knew it, he and I were on a plane to Northern Iowa for a campus interview.

When we left, he was told that they would let him know before Christmas.   I answered the phone our first day back and it was the provost, calling to offer my husband the job.


Of course, I was happy for him - thrilled.   We expected no job, and God gave him one.  And not just any job, truly the ideal job - every detail seemingly perfectly designed just for him. 

 I wanted to object, but I found I couldn't.
When God does something like this - gives your husband his dream job - how can you say 
 "no, thank you" ?


So the long and short of it is, we're getting ready to put our house up for sale and plan to move to Northern Iowa this summer!  Yikes.  
It's been a lot to digest...and I'm reeling a little bit...

I had a few little weeps, and I know I will have some more. 

It's been a good time to trust that God is good.  

He knows the plans he has for our little family, and they are better than mine.

So trying to hold loosely even to the things I hold dear...
and remember that after all this world is not our home, we're just passing through.


  1. I hope you grow to love Iowa, just like I do. Welcome!

  2. a good, though very hard post, to read. love you so much and continue to pray for you all. That quote is just precious ~ home is where your husband is. The Lord has an a-mazing future for you!!! still hoping we can be included in a nearer part of that future... :-)

  3. Oh I feel for you right now. My entire immediate family used to live within 5 miles of each other here. Then my parents were transferred and three years later my brother and sister in law were transferred as well. So I am holding down the fort here....alone. And it is very very hard. I wish for you peace and comfort with your decision. In this economy, you have to do what is right but might not feel right at all. You made the right decision and you will do just fine. I live in Chicago so if you need a shoulder to cry on, I am not too far away....:)


  4. What a nice posting. I can empathize with you in so many ways. My husband and I have moved five times in our 8 1/2 years of marriage. Each move a corporate move for his job which so greatly provides for our family, allowing me to stay home with our children. Each and every move has forced us to grow in ways which only God can allow. Each and every move has placed such great people in our life and we've truly seen Him in all locations from North Dakota to Indiana to Missouri, and now to Tennessee. We moved back to our hometown in November to be with our family and are loving every minute. (With the exception of FEW shopping and dining options) :) Trade offs occur from time-to-time, right? :)

    With all of that said, I know in my heart that this move is a stepping stone and that realisticly we won't be here for the rest of my husband's career. We are hoping for 7-10 years, at least. Our boys are young and we know that a foundation with family is huge so we are thankful that God allowed this move to happen. I hope you and your husband will find good Godly people and that your children will learn to trust Him just as you are.

    "This world is not my (our) home, I'm (we're) just a passing through, my (our) treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue". So true and a favorite song of ours. May we focus on this, and may God's time be an encouragement as you prepare for this transition. Congrats on your husband's job as they are far and few between these days.

    Best wishes and blessings to you. I enjoy your blog, and look forward to following this journey.

    By the way, LOVE the husband/home sign. BELIEVE it whole-heartedly. :)

  5. you can do this, girlie. i know it's going to be hard...but it will make you stronger. i'm speaking from experience ;)

  6. I am of course sad about this, but excited for you and your family!! <3

  7. awww, such a sweet post sister. I cried and will most certainly continue to cry for the next several months. I should just trot over to your house and say this while i still have the chance. :) lots of love and admiration to you!

  8. It certainly must be hard to contemplate moving when you feel so wonderfully's to hoping you find your new home full of everything you've loved here. Janell

  9. What a beautiful example you are setting for you daughters children as to what a Godly wife should look like. Separation is hard but you are wise to trust our good God to provide more than you could possibly imagine. I say, hold on tight for the adventure of a lifetime. Blessings, Patty

  10. Congratulations. You pretty much summed up my life the past 20 years (we have moved 4 times as my husband climbed the corporate ladder) and with 4 kids! Looking back - it was hard, but my kids grew from it. They can go anywhere and be comfortable with themselves and others. I have met so many wonderful women who are still my friends. You will see all the blessings in your move.


  11. What a positive attitude you have expressed. Once upon a time thirteen years ago I met the man I had only dreamed would come my way. Four months later we got married and merged our two families into one. We waited a year and then bought our dream home. We spent a year renovating and getting it "just so". Within a year, he lost his job and was able to find one quickly but at half of the pay he was making. Next, I lost my job and was out of work for a year. Two kids grew up and out of our home, so there we sat with twice the house, yard, and mortgage than we could manage. We put the house on the market and were blessed to have it sell THE FIRST DAY TO THE FIRST PERSON THAT LOOKED AT IT. That is when we knew, again some more, just how much God is interested and involved in our lives. Let God lead, and you will be amazed at what He has in store for your family.

  12. it is so sweet to see how you respond to God's working in your life, Cailan. I so admire you and look up to you in how you're living in support of your husband and trusting God to lead you each step of this journey. What a testimony! You are loved!!! I hope we can come visit SOON before you move!

  13. Hi just popped over from Southern Hospitality. Your home is beautiful and I just love your style. Sorry to here about the move but congrats to your hubby for getting this great opportunity! Just became your newest follower, would love if you stopped by for a visit. Martina

  14. Great feature at Southern Hospitality! Love your vintage finds - that yellow bed, old typewriter, that blue table! Good luck with the move. Years ago we picked up and moved from Nj to Oh knowing no one! It was an adjustment! We are back in Nj now so you never know what the future will bring - change is good! Following along!

  15. Saw you featured on Southern Hospitality and clicked on your site.Your house is lovely and what a beautiful family you have.Your story about the career move is touching and I wish you the best in the move.As a new follower, I look forward to hearing all about it.

  16. I happened to pop over to your blog by way of Southern Hospitality...and could not help but comment, we too are being transferred to Northern Iowa! And we, like you, have always thought of our current area as home for years and family is only a few miles away. But things happen for a reason, and we are looking forward to starting a new life is a very pretty area of the country! Hope you will feel as settled as possible soon! Rosie

  17. You're off to your next adventure, hand in hand with your husband, supporting his dream! Life is good! (Hard sometimes, but still good!)

    (I just found your blog today, and find it absolutely charming!)


  18. Hi, I'm visiting from Rhoda's blog and found this post inspiring :) Good luck with your move & the next phase of your lives together! I like the "home is where your husband is" :) cute!

  19. Life is so ummm... "Exciting" sometimes... What an amazing opportunity for your husband ... I know your next home will be just a beautiful!!... Guess your sister and family now have a new place to vacation!!:).. God is good... and obviously you are willing to happily walk in his will!!! Blessings

  20. Welcome to Iowa! I didn't see the name of your town, but Northern Iowa is very beautiful and I'm sure very friendly (we live near the Quad Cities). It will be a wonderful new adventure for you and yes, a wonderful vacation spot for your sister's family. Hopefully, there will be a time when you'll again live close to each other.

  21. My husband completed his phd in English Literature about 20 years ago and after several CLTAs (short-term appointments) he never got a permanent position. He now works in IT, but continues to do his academic work and has published two books, an article, and has another book contract - for which I'm very proud of him. It's as you say, this job is not something to be turned down as it is where their hearts are. It will be so difficult to leave, but good things await you in your new life in Iowa.

  22. Dear friend - Don't know why I didn't comment before, but we are SO sad to think you all will be leaving CO!! :( At the same time we are SO happy to hear the news that he has a new job - wow! I guess it is somewhat bittersweet for all of us. Trusting God has a plan for it all and hoping we get some times in before you leave!!! :)

  23. My eyes are so hot that the place of love can't be, and I hear the treasure.

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