Sunday, August 12, 2012

progress, of a sort

It's been pretty quiet here of late.   On the home front the work is slow, and I admit it's been challenge to maintain a vision, and stay motivated, and not get discouraged.

Living out of a suitcase is sort of feeling old hat.  Simply properly caring for three little people each day feels like a substantial enough accomplishment, thank you.  And I am sometimes answering my sweetheart "no, it's not time to hire a cleaning lady...not yet."

Nonetheless, Progress is happening here.  Perhaps not measurably about the house, but we are getting lots of good lessons.  Lessons on joy regardless and in spite of circumstances - specifically the circumstance of a very messy, new house and all the unsettling feelings that go with it.   

"Happiness that depends on circumstances 

            is a very poor article indeed." 

So today, I am believing that this will not always be the sight that greets you when you walk through our front door,

That this will not always be the state of my living room {and my old clock will not remain atop a box},

And this will not always be the circumstances in which I write a bit to you.


And great changes are just around the corner.  The walls are almost fixed and the floor refinishers are coming this week!   We are all finally well again and there are still lovely summer days to be enjoyed outside together.   Yes, much to be hopeful and happy about.  Hope you are making progress of a sort, too. : )



  1. It is serendipity that I come here to see that you are choosing joy as I have posted today that I am choosing happy. Happiness and joy are wonderful choices. I see that you are remodeling your home. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Your home will smile when you finish and you will be so glad you started all the projects when you eventually see the "after". I can't wait to see those pictures.


  2. I rarely comment, but this was a delightful post.You've got it right about giving thanks in all circumstances and choosing joy.It's the best possible choice. I look forward to seeing the progress of what looks already to be a lovely home. God bless.

  3. you will get're house will be gorgeous. i for one cannot wait!!

  4. Yep, we're making progress. Sometimes it's one small thing a week. (My husband and I work different shifts so our "together time" is precious.) Yet, there is progress :)

    ~ Dana

  5. Missing your sweetness locally each week. Praying and thinking about you. Good perspectives- Keep choosing Joy!

  6. aww, how sweet Cailan. You're such an encouragement to me! Grateful that progress is being made within your lovely home little by little.
    Hugs to you!!

  7. Blessings to you and your decision to choose joy. Sometimes that is all we can do. I love your blog, though I've never "commented" before now. And most of all I enjoy your warm and creative spirit. Your beautiful home is just waiting to blossom.

  8. so much to be thankful for indeed! What great bones your new home has! It will be fun watching the transformation.

  9. Your home is so charming. It was such a blessing for you to have found it. I am glad that you are choosing joy. You have a lot to be thankful for.

  10. I rarely comment on blogs, But Oh, Cailan, you make me smile and give me inspiration. I'm glad you are choosing joy and making progress (of a sort). ( = Can't wait to see all the wonderful things you will do.

  11. You are so very brave and REAL........ most people would not show the "REAL"!! lol... BUT.... I see progress and that house is sooooo worth every effort!!!! too bad your blogger friends and followers..... could not be there to pitch in!!!!!!! :) So excited to see the progress !!

  12. I know it is going to be gorgeous when you are finished, but I have to admit, that would bother me too!!

  13. ooo can't wait to see more :) just found your blog, new follower!

  14. I know how awful and unsettling it feels to have your house in disarray like that and to be living out of boxes. Seems like it just goes on forever! Honestly, it WILL end. Progress is being made and it will be so beautiful when everything is done. It will be worth it. I'm glad you're choosing joy. :-)

  15. I still check in everyday to see how you are doing. I am willing to bet your other followers are too. There are people out there in the world that you have never, and may never, meet that are thinking about you daily and hoping good things for you! We were in the same boat when we put our last house on the market.....while we were still renovating. Our place looked very much like yours does. Then we moved into our new house....and tore it apart! But it is coming together too, and after 10 months it is well on its way. You will get there! And I promise it will be worth it :-)

  16. Yes, I do check your site just about everyday- hoping all things are well in your corner of the world! :) this a wonderful post on joy- we all need this, no matter what stage of lie we are in. Thank you for sharing what is on your heart! Love you friend!

  17. settling into a new home is always so exhausting.. i'd say you're handling it pretty well. i would have broken down several times already. but that's me obvs not choosing joy :)
    i love your perspective. in every circumstance, your attitude is your choice.
    and you are choosing to live joyfully :)


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