
bit about me

I love our family - my three little people and my wonderful Sweetheart who started it with me.  I love our home just around the corner from Sister and her family.   I love transforming our house into a haven of sweetness and rest, little by little.  I love taking pictures of our everyday life. 

I love Jesus and am constantly learning to rely on Him to be faithful in the little things and marvel at His faithfulness to give me joy in the little things as well.   He teaches me what loveliness is and gives me grace to choose it in both beautiful and challenging ways everyday.

Update: This summer our family will be moving from Colorado to Iowa where my husband got a new job.   Though it's an unexpected change of (my personal) plans, we anticipate the unfolding of God's perfect design for our family.

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but getting an email is an extra special treat indeed.

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