
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sleeping Pictures

Phew! We're finally back home. Just got in last night...and my oldest little man is still sleeping.  That never happens.  These pictures are of my other boy back in Indiana.  While we were there we had all the kiddos on air mattresses in on room - it was a great primer for our plan to have them together in the new house.   Somehow this little guy not only managed to take a nap, but stay sleeping even with his brother and sister bouncing and squealing about. 

So I cleared out the rowdy people, opened up the curtains, and took some sleeping pictures before he awoke.   I've been wanting to try to get some of these for a long time, so it was a perfect (albeit brief) opportunity.

We had a wonderful vacation in Indiana.  The kids wore themselves out every day playing outside and with their grandparents.  It was just a really sweet time away.  

But now I'm trying to gear myself up for all the fun crazy that's ahead.  There's laundry to do, of course, and office work to catch up on, the bridal shower and a garage sale to prepare for.
Somewhere in there I probably should start packing. 
So good times, straight ahead. : )


  1. oh sweet thing...don't wanna freak you out, but you really DO have a busy busy road ahead. just prepare yourself now. it'll be fine and it'll all work out, but just remember to take a deep breath and let go of little things for now...just some things i learned along the way :)

  2. Have you set a date for that garage sale yet?

  3. What a sweet, sweet boy! I have three of my own - aged 1yo to 17yo - and I love to watch their sweet faces while they sleep :-)

    Best of luck on all of the work ahead!

  4. welcome to home sweet home!! so glad you enjoyed your getaway ~ the pics are just darling of precious Gideon. I want to come to your garage sale. and help you pack. and just plain *see* Y.O.U. ;-) Miss you, friend!
