
Monday, May 7, 2012

Engagement Session: Jenna & Aaron

It's that lovely time of year when everything looks beautiful and green outside and people start thinking about pictures again....I've had quite a few photography requests lately, which I love, but it's obviously not really the best time for me to gallivanting about country roads with my camera (hello! still haven't unpacked our bags from our trip).... but when there's the most adorable, nicest-ever couple in your church, who just got engaged, you just have to make time.  It was lovely fun to do this as a pre-wedding gift.

The only day that worked for them was also the day it was cloudy and rainy.  However, I remembered how much I love taking photos on overcast days.  You don't have to worry about any shadows on faces - the light is just really lovely.  Plus how fun and romantic is a little rain and kisses under an umbrella? : )

See how adorable they are??

At the last minute before I drove over I grabbed our umbrella, this quilt and the yellow sweater since I remembered Jenna said she was going to wear short sleeves and it was getting chilly and wet.  I was so thrilled at how well the colors all came together.



I always love a sweet shoe shot. : )

So that's what I let myself be busy with this weekend.  Along with some distracting Craigslist and secondhand to get those bags unpacked and pull that bridal shower together! yikes.

Hope you had a more productive, but no less enjoyable weekend. : )

with love,



  1. These are lovely! I can't wait to get my engagement pictures made...or even scheduled!

  2. Well they are just adorable and you are just great at capturing sweetness

  3. you capture such lovely pics! very cute!!

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