
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

framed spring mantel

Oh dear, what a wonky, bit-by-bit way this post has come together today!  (I started with one picture at 7ish, then added several, and am just now adding these words at 3:00 ;)  I had just got the first picture put on this post at 7ish this morning, when I got a call asking to schedule a house showing at 11:30 and then another and another - four showings scheduled in total!  We just put our house on the market yesterday, and I was not expecting so much interest so soon.  Neither was my house.   So, we dropped everything and began dashing about like mad for the next four hours.  It was mad.

So anyway, my Spring Mantel.  If you've been with me awhile you know I first put up these frames last Fall, and it has been fun to redecorate them for every season since.   

I replaced the felted, magnolia-looking wreath I did earlier this month, with this little mossy number {will share the completely simple mossy-wreath-how-to later this week.}  
And added a little bird from Hobby Lobby.

Also covered my little "m" with moss, much like I covered the big "M" last year.

I really put together the whole mantel around wanting to feature this lovely orchid my sweetheart gave me for my birthday.


It's a month old and is as beautiful as ever.  Best part is that I only have to put a couple ice cubes on it a week to keep it happy - perfect for my spacey watering habits.


Oh dear, I do love spring...and a clean house.
Now to keep it that way. ha. ; )


  1. LOVE those empty frames. LOVE.

  2. I'm so pinning this!! I have an open frame gallery but yours blows mine away!! Love it!!!

  3. beautiful! love seeing what you will do with this each season and holiday!!

  4. Your mantel is lovely, my favorite in this link party!

  5. I love your frames and the simplicity of this look, I also like that you tied the ribbon and did not use a bow!! Happy Spring,

  6. I love the originality of your mantle. What a great idea. I have a large wall in the basement I think I may try to on. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. The frames and books are so sweet! And your orchid tops it all! Good luck with your home sale. Who could resist?

  8. i totally need to make a mossy wreath! my spring line is going to have a little moss-action :) love that stuff!

  9. Love, Love, Love all your picture frames! They make a great display over your mantel.
    I'm a new follower and hope you'll stop by.
    Mary Alice

  10. your mantle looks fantastic!
    and i am so excited for you with all of the house showings. :)

    hope your day is wonderful!

  11. I'm pinning it too! So lovely! Good luck on the house showings! (Came from The Lettered Cottage.)
    -- Gabby (

  12. Beautiful job. You have a lovely home...

  13. Wow, as someone who owned a frame shop, I love this wall!! So beautiful1

  14. how did you make your wreath????? so creative and beautiful...has style with a touch of class;-)
