
Monday, February 27, 2012

The Life that Is Waiting

Last week my sweetheart and I took a road trip to Iowa.  First objective was to go to Iowa City, where he defended his dissertation.  He is now officially, "Dr. Sweetheart".  So very proud.

Second objective was to travel through a blizzard to our soon-to-be new hometown in northwestern Iowa...and look for a new home.

photo from my iphone

And we think we may have found one...I'm dying to show you all the pictures I took, but as it's for sale by owner and I didn't ask the owners if I could publish their private home on the interweb, I'll content myself with simply the picture of the outside.

Yes, I'm pretty swoony about it.   We actually put an offer on it on Saturday, though it did hit me the next morning that I entirely neglected to even notice if the house had a dishwasher.  I'm afraid that this, my friends, is a severe case of blind love - I only had eyes for the beautiful oak trim, the insufferable charm everywhere inside...and that porch swing.  The walls and floors haven't been touched since 1984, but oh, the potential.


Yet, there's still a home here to sell - the home just two houses away from Sister and my dear little nieces and nephews.   The reality of moving away is certainly starting to hit.  I don't like it, but I admit these words rather strike a cord at the moment.  I am wondering.

So, trying to take hold of these hopeful words:

And that truly whatever is waiting for our family, it will still be good.

  via pinterest Life Made Lovely

Finally, very inspirited by Proverbs 31:25,

This woman of grace, she "smiles at the future"  (NASB)

So happy Monday, friends.  Happy Smiling.

love, cailan


  1. Many congratulations to Dr Sweetheart. And good luck in securing your new home. It's very beautiful.

  2. Our very involved, very present God has every detailed planned out. Just hold on and find joy in the ride. Your new "maybe" home is definitely swoon worthy. Patty

  3. That house is as cute as can be! Good luck with everything and congratulations to the Dr.!

  4. I can see that home in the summer...flag waving, birds chirping and the breeze flowing through as you sit on that porch swing. Heavenly. I hope all goes well. :)

  5. In a painfully similar situation myself. Looking for things in the future/hubbys promotion to smile about...praying for grace to be the wife I need to be. Going back to Jer29:11...remembering to delight myself...I guess the circumstances were taking up too much of my view :)Thank you for this encouragement!

  6. We lived in Audubon Iowa for years and loved the state. Pretty house. Good luck in your new ventures.

  7. Congratulations, and good luck as you transition your lives to a new place. I would have blind love when it comes to that house too--just the outside is charming enough to make me fall in love! Thanks for the spiritual reminders as well--I needed to read some of those quotes/scripture in my own life today. All the best--I'm excited to see what happens for your family.

  8. Oh Cailan...I am swoony for you, too! That house is beautiful and sooo charming!! I love your quotes today...I may borrow one for a post.Sometimes other people say things so well:). Praying that everything comes together smoothly for you guys:).


  9. good luck with everything!!

  10. yay for NE iowa! I live in SW WI, so not too far away. The house looks amazing, hope it has a dishwasher for you and that your offer gets accepted. Bring on the tour!

  11. That house is incredible! I can't wait to see what you do with it! (Assuming you get it of course!) I'm guest posting over at Hating Martha today; I hope you'll stop by and check it out!


  12. I will pray for a sale for your Colorado home. I think that is the biggest need.

  13. Congrats to your Dr. Sweetheat!! Go Hawks...University of Iowa is a great place. (I graduated from there) Raised & lived in NW Iowa for years.....hope you enjoy it!!!!

  14. i LOVE the house!! LOVE IT! everything will work out, sweet one. rest and know it's under control.

  15. Our most heartfelt congratulations to Dr. J!!! Love that verse... smiling at the future. Yes, words we can all take to heart. And the pic of the house - wow is all I can say! Can hardly wait to hear news on that offer!!! It's truly lovely. Love to you!


  16. Oh how perfect this post is.
    I am wrestling with some change myself and those wuotes are just perfect.
    Thank you.
    And that house is so beautful!
    My husband dreams of moving to the midwest.
    I admit a house like that looks tempting.
    Love from,

  17. Congrats from the "Sunshine State" to your husband!!! How wonderful!!!! AND..... if you must move.... how incredible to have that gorgeous option pictured above!!!! That is absolutely to "Swoon" over!!!!!!! What a beautiful cottage.... snow and all!!!!!! I do not have a blog but I certainly do follow yours and I do "PIN" so ..... I can follow you that way as well... so excited for your new adventure!!!!!

  18. i can see why you fell in love....that is a beautiful house! :)
    congratulations to Mr. sweetheart! how wonderful!
    i will be praying for you, Cailan.

  19. Such a lovely little house! I am glad the trip went well - Congrats to your hubby! :) And praying for you with ALL this change still to come. Love you, friend!
