
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Happy Birthday Day

Yesterday was sweet.  I documented it in Instagram, because I'm trying to get better at it and it is so handy to carry around my phone instead of big camera for the day.  But these are rather bad pictures.  I will keep at it, but I'll probably stick to my Nikon for blog posts. :)

In the morning, my sweetheart surprised me
with this beautiful orchid.  

But the real treat was that he made me this breakfast and brought it to me in bed. 
It was so delicious. Eggs with mushrooms, orange pepper, spinach, onion, and bacon. 
This was first for our marriage, and I loved it.

 Then opened up a few sweet cards sent from faithful friends and family.
There's just something so special about getting a birthday note in the mail. I forget to send them myself 8 times out of 10.  Funny how when my birthday comes around each year I am reinvigorated to be a dedicated birthday card sender - I'm always reminded how much it means.

In the afternoon, my heroic brother-in-law watched all seven of our children combined while Sister and I went out for lunch with our mum.  It was lovely, of course.

This dessert does not look very appetizing in the picture, so you'll have to use your imagination.

In the evening, this nice guy took me out for cozy, delicious dinner.

And more dessert....naturally. 

Still have the family birthday to celebrate, and then Sister and mum and I hope to getaway for a sleepover and shopping.  Yes, we know how to spread out the fun. : )

So thankful for a lovely day.
Lovely people.  And a new year.


  1. Happy birthday everyday lovely from south Dakota. Enjoy your blog...b

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you! I see you are in Greely CO.....Up until 2012 we lived in Cheyenne....beautiful country!!

  3. Looks like you had an amazing and Blessed Birthday!!! Love that you took the time to share the details with us.... I just started following your blog a few weeks ago and I so love your home projects!! I have decided to use some of the same colors that you used in the living areas!!!! I know this comment is a little long... but thanks to your past post about "Cleaning" out..... I am determined to begin the process of de-cluttering "drawers, closets and shelves"!!! How do we gather so much "not - necessary" stuff to ourselves anyways????????? I am sooo excited .... I actually printed out your pointers!!! :) Terri

  4. Happy Birthday Cailan...what a lovely day you had!


  5. awww, how sweet. what a perfectly LOVELY day! You have such a wonderful husband and family. the girl-time will be such a delight. enjoy!!!
    Loved seeing all the pictures!

  6. Happy Birthday ... :) I am loving that dessert so much.. It looks so YUM!!!! :)

  7. What a wonderful birthday you had! Very special, indeed.
    Happy Birthday!

  8. lovely! looks like a perfect day. happy birthday, sweet friend :)

  9. Happy Birthday , sweet Cailan! Beloved people, food and loving gestures - what more could one ask for ?

  10. Well it isnt your birthday anymore, so happy day that your mother took you home? Maybe. Either way it is so nice to get cards in the mail, but it rarely happens anymore. I was so happy to see that you are still getting them and that your birthday was so special.

  11. happy birthday, cailan!
    looks like you had a very special day.
    what a blessing! :)

  12. Glad to see you celebrated in style!! Did you go to Chimney Park?? Their food is wonderful!
