
Monday, October 31, 2011

Color is Quite Important Indeed

 First of all, thank you for all the absolutely lovely comments on my yellow bed.
I'm so glad that color made you as happy as it made me.   I love the way colors can do that.

And today, sweet Jena at the website Involving Color  is featuring some pictures from my home.  The neat thing about Involving Color is that it is a site devoted to showing real rooms and sharing the actual paint colors that were used.  

So if you were ever curious about a paint color I've used some where about in my home, you can go find them all in one place!

So go over and get inspired by all the color...and consider whether you might 
need to make a trip to the paint store quick-quick. :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sister's Family: A Photo Shoot

Earlier this week I got to do a little photo shoot with Sister and her Andy and their kiddos.  
It was ever so much fun.

I loved scouting out some old painted brick and lovely chippy doors beforehand. 

But what really makes the pictures is how crazy adorable they all are. ;)
{definitely goofy-face pros}


Now is the perfect time to squeeze in some Family Pictures in time for Christmas cards.
I will also be happy to do sessions for Babies, Children, Seniors, etc., 
as well as Engagement and Maternity photos. 

See portfolio {HERE}

So, if you live in the Ft. Collins, Loveland, Greeley area and you would like to plan a photo session just for you, email me at

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Yellow Iron Bed

Without further ado, here's my little iron bed - 
the one I got at the flea market for $40 - with a fresh coat of cheery yellow.

Here's what her finished looked like when I brought her home.  Though I saw potential for an "industrial" look, after cleaning her up she still was rubbing off lots of rust, and I've really always been wanting a yellow bed in my heart.

So first she got a little rub down with some 50 grit sandpaper.  Second, washed her off.  And then sprayed on coat of this spray primer meant especially for slightly rusted metal.

 This is my can of paint I showed you yesterday, but since I shot the photo outside, it looked a bit more sunny than it really is.

You can see the color better here on the paint chip indoors.
It's Valspar's "Golden Castle" {found at Lowes} in Semi-Gloss.

I used a regular semi-gloss latex paint because I wanted this specific color.  But I think this kind of paint job is really better suited to spray paint.  I had trouble with brush marks, and finally gave up and embraced the "brushed" look. :)

 Now, what's that you say?  You thought this bed was meant for my little man's room?

 Well, you are quite right.  I just set her in here and dressed her up for giggles, since little man's room is not at all painted yet...


And dressing up is just so fun.

 You can see my other decorating ventures {HERE}.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Family Room

In an attempt to update my "home tour" pages, I thought I'd group some of the family room pictures I have to make a more consolidated tour.   This is my favorite room in the house because we're always here together.

Here the mantel is dressed for Summertime.  I recently redid it with a collage of Frames for Fall, now onto Christmas!

Here's the no-sew curtains I made from clearance fabric at Hobby Lobby.  Love them.
Tutorial for lovely No-Sew Curtain Tutorial {HERE}.

 All the furniture in our home is Craiglist wins,  secondhand and thrift stores finds, or hand-me-downs except our couch.  We were so thrilled to get it after three months of sharing a single recliner when we first got married.

 Was so happy to find these pillows this summer - made me fall in love with my green couch all over again.

Yellow on My Mind

Yellow towels.


Yellow vignette.

Yellow pants.

 Yellow walls.

 {via pinterest}

Yellow chair.


Yellow tree.

{via pinterest}

Yellow papergood happiness.

My yellow paint.

 The bed needs one more coat!  I'll be back to show you tomorrow. 

In the meantime, hope you enjoy some 
warm, cheery, lovely yellow this day.  Such a happy color.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Miscellany

Good Morning!  I hope you had a lovely weekend.  
Today I hoped you wouldn't mind a little random Monday, morning chat. 

Lately I'm loving the thrill of checking out the shelf of mis-tint paint cans at Lowes.
You just never know what color you will find there for a mere $2.50.
So yes, I picked up this purty pink, and no, I'm not sure where I'll put it...maybe the linen closet?

Here's a recent favorite picture of the twins.
I can't seem to get enough of this type of shot - the two of them walking and holding hands.


Yesterday we enjoyed the lovely company of four little girls and their parents.  I made this cake...again.  Supposedly I won't be having any more such cake for a good while now, as my husband and I started some crazy P90X program last night...after finishing the last of said cake.

And no, I have no natural desire to do anything remotely called "P90X" - very not me.  I prefer prefer the exercise of pleasant country walks, thank-you-very-much. 

But I do need to get off the cookie diet I've been on for the past....years, and it would be rather nice to make it up the stairs without those rather alarming huffs and puffs.  So when my sweetheart decided to do this I knew my best chance at starting something healthy would be to do it together with him.  Like I said, I've only finished one day, but I felt like I might as well tell you as I'll need all the accountability I can get.  ;)

Moving on, here's a picture of Sister reading to all the cousins, except Baby Ben.  She is the best Aunt ever - my kiddos just adore her. 

And this weekend I started painting the bed I got last week at the flea market.  I was torn as to whether to paint it or leave it as is.  But after I cleaned it off, the rust kept coming off... and I kind-of wanted to paint it anyway. 

Can't wait to show you what color I chose - hopefully I'll be finished with pictures tomorrow!

That's all I have for now -
Wish you some of your own random lovely today!