
Thursday, June 30, 2011

You're Going to Have to Trust Me

That this cake was both presentable and delish.
Because I know you've seen more impressive pictures of chocolate cake.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a pre-party picture.

Try to view this as a photographic evidence of a cake-much enjoyed.

Or rather just trust Ina as it's her recipe.

Last weekend I tried her chocolate cake recipe in this cookbook.

In my book of unwritten cake rules, cake must always have a substantive amount of butter to very good.
This however, shockingly has only 1/2 cup of...oil.  So I broke my rules and gave Ina a chance.

The result was a lighter, fluffier {compared to this favorite cake} very chocolaty cake - kind-of like the texture of a cake-box-cake, but moister and homemade-good.  The real win was that the couple odd ducks in my family who usually pass on chocolate {I'll never understand} liked this cake. Hurray.

So it was a yummy end to this party my Sister just threw together in their pretty backyard - isn't it so fun?
Sorry it's also a post-party picture, but you at least you get the idea of the funness.

See my Very Favorite Recipes {HERE}

{Linking to Just a Girl}


  1. love that backyard! My husband doesn't like chocolate :( but his cake looks sooooo good I might have to make it and eat the whole thing myself!

  2. This cake really was amazing-wish i had a piece right now!

  3. This is so weird, I made the same cake for my baby's "Half Birthday" just last month--just for fun, as she's too little to have any! We all absolutely loved it. My main test for chocolate cakes is based on their fudgy-ness and this one passed with flying colors. Loved the hint of coffee, too. The only bad thing about this post is that you made me want to make the cake again, which is (trust me) not what I need at the moment!

  4. That is quite the coincidence! And thanks for verifying that it is indeed a very yummy cake. ;) We are getting to ready to celebrate our twin's half birthday tomorrow. Since their actual b-day is so close to Christmas, we just wait and have a party in the summer. Good times.
