
Monday, May 30, 2011

New Baby Happiness

 One month ago this sweet little baby arrived to these very happy new parents.
I took these when she was just a week or so old but am just now getting up the pics as our computer crashed soon thereafter. Stinky computer - still not fixed, but I retrieved my pictures.

Nobody was planning this bitty super-informal photo shoot.  But of course, I brought my camera along for the visit and innocently inquired if Hannah "had any pictures with the baby yet?"


Isn't that hair so precious?


And then like a good Dad who values the importance of documenting the sweet things in life,
Carson came over to get in a on a few.  ;)  

Such a lovely little family.


  1. these are so precious, sister! what a sweet baby. you are a good friend to capture these moments!

  2. Wow! This little one has so much hair! What a cutie! Lovely photos too. :)
